Chapters in Computing in Communication Networks: From Theory to Practice

//Chapters in Computing in Communication Networks: From Theory to Practice

Chapters in Computing in Communication Networks: From Theory to Practice

Chapter 2: Standardization Activities for Future Communication Networks


Introducing computation within communication networks requires the definition of proper reference architectures and standard protocols to enable interoperability and ease of integration. This chapter introduces the concept, meaning and impact of standardization on technology, with special focus on telecommunications networks. Moreover, it provides an overview of di fferent standardization bodies with their individual and joint activities towards computing in communication networks, as well as related topics important for this book.

Chapter 7: Network Function Virtualization


This chapter introduces the reader to the concept of network function virtualization. The virtualization of network functions is initially described from a theoretical point of view, and the reasons of its invention and the importance of its investigation are discussed. Next, we describe the architecture of network function virtualization while providing detailed insights of e fforts towards the realization of a unique architecture that could eff ectively merge software-defined networking and network function virtualization. Subsequently, we address the concepts of network operating systems and programmable protocol stacks. We end this chapter with the description of the cloud radio access network as an important example of network function virtualization. This specific paradigm will be clearly analyzed while also clarifying the latest eff orts towards the idea of network function splitting (as virtual baseband unit splitting).
By | 2020-04-12T23:28:46+02:00 Aprile 12th, 2020|BOOK CHAPTERS|Commenti disabilitati su Chapters in Computing in Communication Networks: From Theory to Practice

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